I choose the strawberry.svg made by Nicu Buculei. SVG exported from Scribus: strawberry_border.svg Scribus document template which can be loaded as a regular document or used with a New From Template plugin which is included in the cvs version of Scribus: strawberry_border.tar.gz Phases I did to create this: Import an svg: import.png Scale the svg with properties palette or ctrl + mouse drag Place it to the top left corner. Select Item -> Multiple Duplicate: multiple_duplicate.png and the top has been done: top.png select all the strawberries and choose Item -> group. Copy and paste Drag the new strawberry row to the bottom of the page: top_and_bottom.png For a better look rotate the top left and right strawberries rotate.png and select Item -> Multiple Duplicate once again for both top left and right strawberries: multiple_duplicate2.png Now the border has been created: done.png